9 Natural Ways To Help Heal Your Herpes and Reduce the Pain

essential oils to heal herpes

heal herpes naturallyIf you’re suffering from herpes, you know how painful and embarrassing it can be. But did you know there are natural ways to deal with those hurtful blisters and sores that are proven to be effective? That’s what we’re going to share with you now.

No. 1: Can Siberian Ginseng Help Herpes?

heal herpes naturallyThe root of the Eleutherococcus senticosus plant, also called Siberian ginseng or Eleuthero, is often used medicinally to combat fatigue, stress and herpes. The plant belongs to the ginseng family, Araliaceae, but is botanically different from true ginseng, Panax ginseng and Panax quinquefolius. It can grow in colder areas than real ginseng and usually costs less.

The Chinese have used Eleutherococcus for 4000 years for longevity, health, to stimulate appetite and to improve memory. Russians discovered it in late 19th century and studied it in the late 1950s as a ginseng substitute. They studied the plant’s adaptogen properties on about 4,300 people.

The property “adaptogen” was defined by Lazarev, a Russian scientist, who wished to put a more precise name to the tonic properties of ginseng-like plants. Adaptogen refers to a substance that promotes adaptation to environmental stress of all kinds. It regulates several physiological functions without targeting one organ in particular. Eleutherococcus was introduced as a medicinal plant in Western Europe and North America in 1975.

Today many people use it to increase endurance and resistance to stress.

Its effect on fatigue, convalescence and concentration problems were partially proven in a recent double-blind study on 20 elderly people. Results indicated that after four weeks of 300 mg of Eleutherococcus per day, it had a positive impact on stress, fatigue and vitality, but results were not sustained after eight weeks.

Preliminary studies also suggest that Eleutherococcus promotes immune functions. It was found to have a pronounced effect on T lymphocytes, cytotoxic and natural killer cells. A German double-blind study was conducted monitoring immune functions in 18 individuals taking 1 tablespoon of Eleutherococcus senticosus extract three times daily compared to those of the 18 people taking a placebo for four weeks. After four weeks, they measured immune cell concentration in blood samples. The group taking Eleutherococcus had a higher concentration of all immune cells. Total T-cell numbers increased by 78 percent, T helper/inducer cells by 80 percent, cytotoxic Ts by 67 percent, and NK cells by 30 percent. B Lymphocytes also expanded by 22 percent compared to controls. No side effects were noted, even five months after administration. Researchers concluded that, “Eleutherococcus senticosus exerts a strong immunomodulatory effect in healthy normal subjects.”

A double-blind study on 93 people suffering from recurrent herpes infections indicates that 2g of Eleutherococcus per day may limit or reduce the frequency of herpes infections. However, these findings concern only herpes virus simplex 2, usually causing genital herpes. A 2001 German in vitro study showed that Eleutherococcus had no impact on herpes virus simplex one (HSV-1) cells. HSV-1 usually causes oral herpes.

Eleutherococcus must be taken for several days to show effects. Naturopaths usually say 21 days, but many feel an improvement after 10 days.

Eleutherococcus is contraindicated for children under 12, pregnant and breastfeeding women and people suffering from hypertension. It may cause palpitations and increase blood sugar after a meal. It has virtually no side effects, except for mild diarrhea and temporary sleep perturbations.

Eleutherococcus can be taken as an herbal tea, dried root extract, tincture, or water extract. I usually take the tincture because it is more convenient, easier to find and usually contains stronger concentrations of active ingredients. Dosage can vary from 10 ml to 20 ml per day in a glass of water. It is also recommended to stop taking Eleutherococcus for one week every six weeks.

Essential Oils to Help Heal Herpes Blisters

essential oils for herpesEssential oils are created by distilling the “essence” of plant material. Roots, flowers, leaves, branches and stems of trees, flowers and other plants yield preventive, medicinal and treatment properties for a number of health conditions. There are more than 90 recognized essential oils, many of them having been used for thousands of years to improve physical, mental and emotional health. Herpes has been around just about as long as man has, and there are several essential oils which have been used for centuries to treat and heal herpes blisters.

The blisters and sores which accompany a herpes outbreak can be present on and around the mouth, as well as the genitals, the anus and upper thighs. When blisters are present, herpes is at its most contagious. During a herpes outbreak, these blisters and sores can break and dispel a discharge, and can be very damaging psychologically and emotionally, as well as physically painful. Keep the following essential oils in mind if you need to heal herpes blisters and minimize the pain which can appear during an outbreak.

No. 2: Lavender

The lavender plant is visually attractive, with an unmistakable green and purple appearance. The unassuming lavender plant is responsible for what may be the most versatile and powerful essential oil. Lavender is used cosmetically and in hundreds of perfumes because it smells so pleasing. Lavender essential oil can treat a number of conditions, is known for its stress-relieving properties when inhaled or applied topically, and works wonders for herpes blisters.

No. 3: Coconut Oil

coconut oilCoconut oil is extremely good for you in so many ways. You can use it in the kitchen, and in a number of cooking and mealtime applications. It is great for your skin and hair, has been linked to weight loss when taken regularly, and can shut down the active state of herpes blisters for as many as 24 hours.

No. 4: Oregano Oil

Oregano oil is another versatile essential oil, if not as well-rounded as lavender. It has been used for herpes relief for centuries. It not only can send sores into remission and ease the pain which accompanies herpes blisters, but it additionally stops the herpes simplex virus from growing inside the host’s body. The United States Department of Agriculture has stated that they have research which shows oregano oil cannot only treat and heal herpes symptoms, but it also defeats Salmonella and E. coli, and prevents them from spreading.

No. 5 Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an essential oil that can stop herpes blisters dead in their tracks. Instead of blisters appearing for 2 to 4 days during a herpes outbreak, the application of tea tree oil can reduce the outbreak to just 12 to 24 hours.

Always use a very small number of essential oil drops mixed with some type of carrier oil when used topically. Additionally, elderberry, calendula, echinacea, garlic, astragalus and licorice root essential oils all work well for managing herpes blisters. They also help lessen the number and frequency of blisters as well.

More Natural Treatments for Canker Sores

natural remedies for cold soresMany of your positive attributes come to you via your family tree. Your genetics and ancestry are responsible for the things you are good at to a large extent. If you can run really fast, you have a great brain, or you are naturally physically healthy, a lot of that is due to your ancestors. There is a flipside to that positive experience, however.

Some things you inherit from your predecessors are certainly nothing to write home about. Concerning canker sores, if your parents, grandparents and others in your family suffer from this problem, there is a better than fair chance you will have to deal with this condition as well. Then of course there are environmental factors and dietary contributors to the development of canker sores.

To define a canker sore, it is basically a benign ulcer that develops on the inside of your cheeks, on your lips, below your tongue or on your gums. Oval or round in shape with a reddish border and yellow or white center, canker sores do not appear on the outside of your mouth, like fever blisters or cold sores. They can unfortunately be painful and present a problem when talking or eating. To treat canker sores, the following natural remedies have proven effective.

No. 6: Honey (raw and unfiltered is best)

Honey has been used since ancient times for multiple medicinal and healing purposes. Peter Molan has been studying the health-boosting properties of honey most of his adult life. He is the founder and head of the Honey Research Unit at the University of Waikato, in New Zealand. He explains that honey has anti-inflammatory properties that are perfect for treating mouth ulcers.

Rinse Away the Pain, and Speed the Healing

Rinsing your mouth with saltwater or baking soda and water is a simple and instant solution to pain, and speeds up the healing process.

Ice Chips

Chipped ice held in the mouth as close to the canker sores as possible provides immediate pain-relief.


Avoid spicy foods and citrus fruits and juices, as acidic foods can aggravate the condition. 

chamomileNo. 7: Chamomile and Sage

Sage and chamomile herbs, either taken as a tea or used as essential oils, effectively treat the pain of canker sores as well as help them heal.


No. 8: Juice it up

Fresh cantaloupe, celery and carrot juices have proven effective for treating canker sores. Make sure you choose natural juices, organic if possible, without sugar, sweeteners and other additives.

No. 9: Supplement the Solution

Taking a vitamin B complex and/or iron supplement daily can aid in the pain-relief and healing processes.