7 Smart Ways To Banish Fat & Accelerate Ketosis

7 ways to banish fat & accelerate ketosis

7 ways to banish fat & accelerate ketosisThere’s no denying the fact that the keto diet works. Thousands of people have used it to achieve weight loss and better health. Many of them swear by it and say that it’s the most effective protocol for weight loss.

That said, despite the efficacy of the keto diet, it will take time to shed your stubborn fat stores. Since the diet forces your body to burn fat for fuel, it has better results than other diets which rely solely on calorie or carb restriction.

lose weight

However, you will NOT lose all your weight overnight or even in a week. In fact, it can take about 4 to 7 days for your body to get keto-adapted. Only then will the body start burning fat. So, you have to be patient.

The goal of the ketogenic diet is to put your body in a state of ketosis. What that really means is that your body is burning fat for fuel. Most people struggle to shed the excess pounds because their bodies are using glucose as fuel, instead of fat.

So, the fat never comes off and they wonder why it’s so stubborn.

Ketosis needs to be monitored so that you know if you’re on track. You can do this using urine strips or a breathalyzer. Do note that you should consult your doctor first before embarking on this diet.

If you want to turn your body into a fat-burning machine, you’ll need to get it used to tapping into its fat stores for fuel. In order to do that, you’ll have to consume most of your calories in the form of fat.


About 70 – 75% of your daily calories should be comprised of fat. About 20 – 25% should be protein, and your carb intake should be around 20 to 50 grams. You should NOT exceed 50 grams of carbs.

It may seem strange that you need to eat fat to lose fat. Yet, that’s exactly what you need to do. When the body gets more than enough fats from the diet, it realizes that it doesn’t need to cling on to its fat stores.

So, it burns off the excess fat much more readily. This is the biggest benefit of the ketogenic diet. With many other calorie-restriction diets, the moment you reduce your calories, the body stubbornly retains its fat stores for future use.

With the keto diet, this problem is overcome, and you keep burning your fat without facing opposition from the body.

In this article, we’ll look at 7 ways to burn off your stubborn fat while on the keto diet. You want to assist the diet anyway you can to speed up your results and we’re going to help you with that.

Number 1: Do Not Consume Exogenous Ketone Supplements

Less is more. Your body needs to reach a state of ketosis on its own. There are many supplements on the market claiming to induce ketosis in your body quickly. Those are known as Exogenous Ketone Supplements.

Most of these are just hype designed to get you to part with your money. You don’t need these supplements when you’re starting off.

Do it naturally. Once your body is keto-adapted, occasionally you may slip out of ketosis if you eat too much carbs or your diet is not on point. During times like these, you may take some ketone supplements as an added boost to get yourself back on track quickly. It should only be used as a short-term solution for when you slip up.

Number 2: Exercise Regularly

Initially, when you’re adapting to the keto diet, you may do slow cardio or light exercise. Brisk walking is good for getting your metabolism up and also not being too taxing on your body.

If you do a morning walk for 30 minutes daily (on an empty stomach), your body will deplete whatever glycogen is left in it. Any carbs you consume will be burned off and your body will be primed for fat burning.

Number 3: HIIT

High intensity interval training should be avoided until you’re in a state of ketosis. Initially, when your body is adjusting to the keto diet, you’ll be experiencing symptoms such as the keto flu and so on.

It’s best to just take things easy since you won’t be feeling too good. However, once your body is in ketosis, you should engage in high intensity training twice a week to boost your metabolism.

You’ll be burning calories at an accelerated rate and the fat will melt off your body. This is unbelievably powerful.

Number Four: Intermittent Fasting

This highly effective protocol works wonders when combined with a keto diet. You’ll achieve ketosis in a much shorter time and your fat burning progress will be accelerated.

Fasting is a wonderful method to complement the keto diet. You can either practice intermittent fasting where you fast for 16 hours a day and only eat during an 8-hour window… or you can try 24-hour fasts twice a week or on alternate days.

You’ll be burning fat round the clock. Since the keto diet has trained your body to burn fat, when you’re in a fasted state for most of the day, your body will have no choice but to burn whatever fat it can get its hands on.

The longer your fasting duration is, the better your results will be. Fasting also helps to put your body in a state of ketosis.


Number Five: Cardio After Resistance Training

Adding 15 minutes of cardio after a resistance training session will be very effective at burning off the stubborn fat. Since you’ve depleted your glycogen during your weight training, the body will have no choice but to burn fat for fuel during your cardio.

Your workout will literally be a fat burning process.

These 4 tips will help you to get the best from your keto diet and make the whole journey faster and smoother. At the end of the day, it just comes down to following the guidelines and staying true to the keto diet. Have patience and you’ll see unbelievable results in 3 to 4 weeks.

Number Six: Zero Carb Policy

While the keto diet recommends 20 to 50 grams of carbs daily, you can choose not to eat carbs at all for 3 or 4 days a week. This will accelerate your weight loss even further and the glucose levels in your body will be low.

Number Seven: Be Patient

It could be anywhere from 4 days to a week before your body reaches ketosis. Most people want immediate results and your body does not work that way. Follow the principles of the keto diet closely.

Knowing what foods to eat and what not to eat is of paramount importance. You’ll also need to get the macronutrients in the correct amounts. Your diet must be comprised of at least 70% fat.

If you get the fundamentals right and combine it with intermittent fasting, you’ll reach ketosis and your fat will melt off in a couple of weeks.

This is one of the best weight loss protocols. Follow it well, use the tips here and give it time to work. You will be amazed at the results.

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